Company Mill Hike at William B. Umstead Park in Raleigh
29 January 2007
21 January 2007
Different View
Like a mangrove swamp but without the swamp...or the mangroves.
It was interesting to see this tree have a system of roots above ground. So, I climbed down into the trough over and around which the roots were growing then tried to shoot a photo of the river through the branches.
I didn't get the river, but the branches are in full view.
Inside the fixer-upper
I hope the timber foundation in this picture doesn't get omitted by the automatic cropping of blogger.
It was really interesting for me to realize that underneath the plank floorboards would be simple timber. I was expecting the Lowe's generic 2x4, or its equivalent, but was surprised to learn that there were unfinished logs beneath the planks. Cool.
You can see through the fixer-upper
About half way around the loop was this "fixer upper" as my family would say. You see these abandoned, wooden structures all over North Carolina. This is the first one I investigated.
Just inside the door to the right is a flight of stairs. They were still intact and the first couple held my weight, but in the end I decided it wasn't the brightest idea to climb up. So, I wimped out and stayed on the ground.
Action + Clarity
Back from the greater Phoenix area it was time to embrace my remaining months in North Carolina. To do that, I've set a goal of a minimum of one hike per week. Ideally I'll get more than one hike in each week, but let's be realistic.
My first attempt to reach my goal was to spend a day wandering through Eno River State Park in Durham. The ranger helped me pick a hike that would be both scenic and within my time frame.
Here's the Eno River.
12 January 2007
Congrats, Urban!
To coin a phrase: The urban renewal is doing well! What do you mean someone's already used that?! Well, crap. Now what? Nevermind, I'm just glad to have exorcised my SOS and "Zooker" demons!
Hetland Makes It!
Our kicker who was four of 13 in the regular season managed to make both field goals in the National Championship Game. Nothing like saving your best for last!
Tebow's In
Tebow powers through to the end zone!!! Here's the future of Florida Football - GO GATORS!
11 January 2007
Minutes Before Kick Off
I don't know if the whole picture will show up. Lately the right side of my images get cut off when I blog them. Here goes nothing. Me and friends at the game...ready to demonstrate just how overrated the Big Ten, OSU specifically, were this season!
Here I am just inside the gate prepared for the game: ticket, beer, UFAA tattoo, and pompoms (in my back pocket, I swear)!
Welcome to Phoenix!
Arriving in Phoenix, I was mistakenly given the impression Phoenix (really Old Scottsdale) was prepared to handle the traveling fans. We were sorely mistaken. But there's no bitching, even from me, when you come home with the most important of Ws.
From Saguaro National Park...the sun sets on my first night in Arizona. It was a beautiful time. Soon I would head home, eat dinner, and leave to collect my fellow Gators from the Phoenix Sky Harbour Airport for a trip to Sedona concluding with the Gators winning the National Championship in Glendale. GO GATORS!
Casa Grande
Heading down to Tucson and Saguaro National Park after arriving in Phoenix. A small detour led me to Casa Grande. See!
The First White House
Overnight in Selma, AL we then made our way down to Montgomery following the path of the Civil War marchers oh so many years ago. While in Montgomery we tracked down the First White House of the Confederacy.
I didn't know mules wear shoes!
Yes, there is a Muleshoe, AL. Just over the border from Florida we found this gem...We actually turned around in order to get this shot!
Location, Location, Location
Mom wanted a vacation home on a lake, so where else would we look but in Alabama? I wish I were joking.
Everyone has a cousin in Miami
Jimmy, you're so right!
If you don't know the Jimmy Buffet tune to which I refer, then you probably don't have a cousin in Miami. Weirdo ;-)
I do, and Christmas was an opportunity to bond with the twins. They are exhausting!
Sing with me!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Dear Gramma!
Happy Birthday to You!
Christmas in Miami
Once in SoFla, it was time to celebrate my Gramma's birthday (aka: Christmas). This was the first year mom handed over the responsibility of lighting the candles and delivering the cake to my younger sister. She did a great job; I did a surprisingly less than stellar job as photographer!
It's Joe the Lizard
First, over the holiday break from classes we headed to SoFla for Christmas with the family in Fort Lauderdale and Miami. My dad moved from the Ocean to a lake...Here's his new backyard squatter.