I'm going to put out a coffee table book of weird signs. First we saw "road ends in water" and now "No Trespassing after Dark". That's fabulous! So, we can trespass during the day, right?
05 February 2007
I think Blogger is going to cut this image off early so you can't see the complete name of this business: Spudnuts! What a great name. Unfortunately the coffee shop was closed when we stopped for the picture, but the name had us giggling for a little while.
Slave Quarters
The "dependencies" at Monticello are self-guided; this photograph is from the slave quarters occupied by a married couple.
It turns out that Branchland, the family plantation, is down the street, literally, from the turn off to Monticello. So, while we were hunting down family history in Charlottesville, we also made a trip to a National Monument, Monticello.
This is my family's plantation, Branchland, in Charlottesville, VA. Ok, so it's my family by marriage, but I still inherited a lot from them. See if you can follow this: my paternal grandmother's sister married Channing Moore Bolton, that's where my middle name comes from. Channing Moore Bolton's father, also Channing Moore Bolton, bought this plantation in the late 1800s and this is where Uncle Chan was born and bred.
Today is an assisted living facility.